Shop Small, Shop Early, Shop Claremore
November 19, 2022

The holiday season is here, and it seems the cooler weather has accompanied it! This week our community celebrated this special time of year with the annual Community Tree Lighting at Ne-Mar Center thanks to the Neely family, as well as Dickens on the Boulevard this weekend. These two events also marked the start of the holiday shopping season.
In this season of giving, it is fun to revel in the enjoyment of finding the perfect gift for friends and family. While there is convenience in purchasing from large online retailers, there is something special about discovering a one-of-a-kind gift on the shelf of a local retailer. Not only are you sure to avoid duplicate gifts, you are also providing business support and local income to a neighbor. This year, I urge you to visit one of Claremore's many unique boutiques and restaurants. As you celebrate the shop small season, don't be surprised to stumble upon one treasure that is truly the perfect gift.
Several events are happening over the next few weeks to encourage you to shop small and support local. The Claremore Area Chamber's Santa Cash event is an annual campaign to keep shopping dollars in Claremore. The promotion helps create awareness of the many incredible local businesses that our community has to offer. As visitors shop at participating businesses, they can collect Santa Cash Elf Tickets for a chance to win $14,500 in prizes. You can learn more about this initiative at
I also encourage you to mark your calendars for Small Business Saturday on November 26. Since 2010, this national movement has promoted the Saturday after Thanksgiving as a dedicated time to shop small and bring more holiday shopping to small businesses. This is followed by Giving Tuesday on November 29, providing you an opportunity to share love and support as our local nonprofits and charitable organizations look to meet year end goals in a time of extreme demand for support services.
In Rogers County, more than 70 percent of all businesses employ less than ten people. This year, I encourage you to commit to making at least one additional purchase than normal from a locally-owned business. Even if you cannot shop in person, consider purchasing gift cards, ordering from local merchants online, or utilizing pick-up/curbside options. Finally, there are a number of holiday events that will take you right past the front doors of local businesses. You can check them out at
Remember, Claremore, when you shop - shop early, shop small, and shop local.
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Meggie Froman-Knight
Executive Director