CIEDA celebrates Economic Development Week

May 11, 2023

Next week, the Claremore Industrial and Economic Development Authority (CIEDA) will join organizations nationwide in celebrating Economic Development Week (EDW). Kicking off on May 8, EDW began in 2016 as a platform to honor and recognize the impact of professional economic developers on their local communities and increase awareness for local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities and improve the quality of life.

CIEDA’s mission is to drive economic advancements for Rogers County by supporting and recruiting aligned businesses for mutual prosperity. To achieve this goal, we strategically focus our efforts on three main pillars: business attraction, business retention or expansion, and workforce development. However, economic development is a comprehensive process in which many parts intertwine for success. To succeed in these endeavors, we must also prioritize other crucial subcomponents such as quality of life enhancement, sales tax growth, small business development, housing expansion, and much more!

We recognize that achieving our goals depends on the invaluable support and collaboration of our diverse network of local and statewide partners. From the educational institutions that are instrumental in cultivating the next generation of skilled workers to the dedicated volunteers spearheading quality-of-life initiatives such as the Claremore Mountain Bike Trails and Will Rogers PRCA Rodeo, each of us has a crucial role to play in advancing local economic development initiatives and propelling our community forward.

Our team at CIEDA also relies heavily on our partners at the Oklahoma Department of Commerce and Tulsa’s Future program. These two entities assist our region in connecting with site selectors worldwide to attract new businesses and jobs to Oklahoma. In addition, they advocate on the state level for pro-business legislation that aids existing business partners and positions our state as a more attractive place to live, work and do business. 

You can learn more about CIEDA and our initiatives by visiting our website, I also encourage you to connect with us on Facebook or LinkedIn, where we often share exciting community updates and announcements. 

In partnership, 

Meggie Froman-Knight

Executive Director, CIEDA