Support local businesses impacted by Highway 20 construction

January 20, 2022

I am a long time Rogers County resident and proud to call Claremore home. Over the years, I have had the honor and privilege to watch our community grow, develop and flourish. However, with all the exciting change comes a fair share of growing pains. For example, it is hard to miss the roadway construction on Patti Page Boulevard (Highway 20) as you travel through town. While long-term, these enhancements are essential to supporting commerce, business and future advancement, today they feel burdensome. 

While we are excited about the long-term implications of the infrastructure improvements taking place, we cannot ignore the challenges they present to our neighbors who are the small business owners and their employees. Our team at Connect Claremore has received numerous reports of the construction zone's significant impact on local business. Small business owners have seen a substantial reduction in daily customer numbers and monthly sales totals. These impacts are further heightened as many of these organizations are still facing daily challenges brought on by the global pandemic.

Because I believe that a rising tide raises all ships I also believe that Rogers County residents must rally together to overcome this challenge by shopping small and supporting our local businesses. Today I encourage you join me and commit to make at least one purchase from a locally-owned small business retailer. Plan for a few extra minutes to stop by your favorite Highway 20 coffee shop or eatery. Swing by a business you may not have ever thought to enter, you may be surprised at what you find.  Make an extra trip out toward the turnpike gate and purchase an additional gift card for future use. It may not seem like a big thing, but our collective support makes a meaningful impact for these businesses. 

There are many reasons I love Claremore. However, what stands out about us are the stories of support,  partnership, and desire to see our neighbors succeed. As we continue to take care of each other, I am confident that once again, our community will come together and serve as a strong support system to show our small business owners and entrepreneurs that we appreciate what they bring to our community and we are glad they are here. 

If you are a small business owner in need of assistance, we want to connect with you. Connect Claremore serves as a dedicated resource to aid small businesses in Rogers County. Our services are always free, and our team is available to meet with you for a one-on-one consultation. Contact us today at

We look forward to speaking with you! 

All my best, 

Terri May Peters 
Small Business Developer – Connect Claremore